On Dec 21, 2007 8:38 AM, Mark Struberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This must obviously be a guy who never had a build with more than one single 
> module. So he never
> learned that it is NOT a good idea to keep all dependencies in every single 
> module ;)

Charles is the architect for Atlassian Confluence, who's significantly
complicated (multi-module) build is driven by Maven 2 and has been for
at least a year now.  Atlassian as a company has partaken of the Maven
coolaid, resulting in hundreds of Maven 2-created artifacts.  In fact,
our plugin developer kit is built on Maven 2 archetypes as a way to
quickly get potential developers up to speed.

His comment about the dependencies springs from some bad experiences
we had with our Maven 1 JIRA builds.  When ibiblio decided to
reorganize their repository, it broke our source distributions,
causing lots of user complaints.  Anytime you have your build depend
on external resources, you introduce a point of failure that is
particularly dangerous when you try to support old releases that may
be many years old.  Yes, there are ways to mitigate that problem and
yes, Atlassian uses Archiva to have more control over resources, but I
believe Charles' point is it is still broken by design, despite the
bandaids you stick on it.


-- yes, I work for Atlassian (of whom I don't speak for) but my
love/mostly hate affair with Maven extends back many years with
Struts...just ask Wendy :)

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