Wendy Smoak schrieb:
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Kees van Dieren

 In our root pom.xml we have the maven war plugin defined:
 On mvn package, it will run mvn war:inplace, but not only for war artifacts,
 but also for jar artifacts.

 How can we make this execution only applicable for projects with packaging

Is it a bug in the war plugin perhaps?  Should it somehow "know" not
to run in the jar modules?

It's not a bug. The war plugin execution is explicitly configured in the
parent pom and hence it's executed in every module inheriting from the

The correct way to configure something like this, is to configure the
war plugin in the <pluginManagement/> section of the pom. The
configuration is then picked up by child modules that have the war
plugin in their lifecycle (like war modules).


If you don't get more info here, I'd construct a simple example to
demonstrate when it does the wrong thing, and attach it to an issue in
JIRA.  http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MWAR

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