On 22-Mar-08, at 3:23 PM, Trenton Adams wrote:
Yes, it definitely is simpler in some ways, but ends up being more complex, and less intuitive in many other ways. Kind of like a Mac in comparison to Windows. Mac is so dumbed down it becomes difficult to use to get the job done, in many other ways. I found ant a lot easier in many ways. The learning curve for ant was extremely minimal. I suppose I have to use maven, just for it's dependency management, but I sure don't like the structure it uses. :(

It's not more complex as the premise is that composition trumps a big globular build. It is intentional and in the long run will prove far more useful. Based on feedback from hundreds of users over the years this has been the overwhelming opinion. We enforce this architectural integrity from the get go.

So, how do I go about doing it then, with multiple projects? Do I have two copies of everything? Do I make one module depend on the other, so that every time I want to deploy, I have to either install the dependency JAR into the local repository, or a remote one, so that the webapp has access to it? i.e. If I update the one project, that has the class files and such, how is the webapp project going to know about it?

It kind of upsets me, because a couple years ago, I specifically combined two projects that were really one project, because ant has the ability to make different jars and such. I did it because it was "simpler", and now maven is making it more complex. :( Okay, I'm done pouting. :P I'll have to see if it's worth it.

Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:40 PM, Trenton Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

That's what I was about to do, but that really is a hack.

No, it isn't. That's the suggested way to do it.

to be a better way than that. Isn't there? I thought maven would at
least have the functionality of ant.

Of course, Maven can do anything that Ant can do: Just use the
maven-antrun-plugin and create an Ant script that can be launched from
Maven. The funny thing about Maven is that it enforces you to work
structured. That implies, in particular, to think and work in modules.
Once you get used to it, you'll soon learn that it simplifies things.
At least, my Maven scripts are typically much simpler and more easily
understood than my monster Ant scripts.




Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

A party which is not afraid of letting culture,
business, and welfare go to ruin completely can
be omnipotent for a while.

-- Jakob Burckhardt

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