Hi Wendy,

Thanks for the suggestion.

Yes, I am aware of that, but that is precisely what I am trying to avoid. I don't want to make things more complex, by having a multiple step deployment process. I want "simple". I want simple, primarily because maven has been simple up until this point, and it has condition me to want that. Is there a way to make this simpler?

For instance, when I'm developing, I use ant to deploy automatically to my webapp folder in tomcat. Tomcat has "reloadable=true", which automatically reloads my classes. So, doing it the way you describe makes me have to do multiple steps as follows...
1. Install my JAR in the local repository
2. Create a WAR
3. Use a shell script (or ant) to install under my webapp folder in tomcat.

With Ant, I had the following steps.

1. run "ant dist"

Now, if maven can't do what I'm desiring, then I rest my case about it being more complex in "some" circumstances. And that's fine, but I just wanted to try and get the work done with "one" tool rather than two. But, if I use maven just for dependency resolution, and release management, that will have some added benefit, just not as much as I had hoped.

Thanks for the suggestion though. :) Perhaps I'll try and get on the IRC as you suggest.

Thanks Wendy.

Wendy Smoak wrote:
On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Trenton Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Dependencies pull from a remote repository.  I don't want to pull from a
 remote repository, I want to pull from modules themselves (locally),
 into a combined WAR.

Maven is repository based, true, but it first looks in its local
repository.  If you build something locally with 'mvn install' it will
be available in the local repo (usually ~/.m2/repository).

So, 'mvn install' your jar, then declare a dependency on it from your
webapp module.

The next step is adding a parent pom that lists your jar and webapp as
modules, so you can build it all at once.

There's usually someone around on #maven (there's a web interface to
it at http://irc.codehaus.org) if you need help.

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