Hi Trenton,
I have the same reaction at the beginning. Maven has definitely a
steeper learning curve than ant. But if your projects grow, you'll
start to love it and you will realize you cannot do without.

Your doubts come from one of the biggest cultural changes (sorry to be
so pontificating here :) ) that maven introduces. You create one
artifact for anything you want to be releasable. In the case of a web
application, usually what you want to release is a war. Therefore you
can have everything in one single project and maven will build,
install and deploy your project in a blink.
Now, since you are concerned about the jar, the question becomes why?
If the answer is just because that's what you are used to, then start
use maven and you'll realize soon it is a better way to build a web
application. If instead the answer is that you need the jar because
some other module uses it, that you are discovering a dependency in
your modules that was hidden with ant (which is very bad!). Therefore
maven forces you to do the right thing:

1. make your baseclasses.jar artifact (1 project)
2. make your web application and declare the dependency on baseclasses
(1 project)
3. for any other project requiring baseclasse.jar, declare the
dependendcy as in 2.

Finally, if you want a way so tha you build both in once, organize
your project in modules:


When you run mvn install on yourapplication, everything will be done for you.

Nice, isn't it?


On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 12:24 AM, Trenton Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree that it's not more complex in every way.  But, it seems like it
>  is in some ways.  For instance, it's looking to me that in order to
>  actually get it to package my WAR with the JAR, I will have to deploy my
>  code JAR to a repository first, then make it a dependency in my webapp,
>  the package my webapp.  Is that right?  If so, that's more complex than
>  ant, for this set of functionality.  If not, how do I go about doing it?
>  Okay, so I've got two sub-projects now.  How do I get the webapp to
>  build a WAR with the JAR from the code of the other sub project?  And,
>  can I do it without deploying the JAR to a repository?
>  And hey, I agree with enforcing the "architectural integrity" concept,
>  as long as it is not too restrictive.  I'm going to have to wait and see
>  if it's as restrictive as it seems.  It could just be me at this point.
>  But, any help you could give to convince me of your stance, would be
>  appreciated.  I do like "simple".  I try to write my code simple, and I
>  want my builds to be simple, and maintainable as well.
>  Thanks.

Stefano Fornari - Funambol CTO




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