I've run into this problem as well and from what I've seen, it is a Maven 
dependency that's pulling this in. I've logged a bug about it - 

The issue as I've run into is that 'maven-reporting-impl:2.0.4' [1], gets 
pulled in during an integration test run by maven-invoker-plugin, which pulls 
in 'maven:2.0.4' [2] and that has a repository entry that is 'cvs.apache.org' 
and doesn't disable releases.


[2] http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/maven/2.0.4/maven-2.0.4.pom

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Rollo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 12:46 PM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: [m2] What triggers attempt to download from: 
http://cvs.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository ?

Re: [m2] What triggers attempt to download from:
http://cvs.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository ?
Tue, 29 Jul 2008 20:38:41 -0700
"Maven Users List" <users@maven.apache.org> <users@maven.apache.org>

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Dan Rollo

> > 1. Why are only SOME downloads hitting:
> > http://cvs.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository/
> > when those same items exist in the normal central repo (and when I never

> > define the cvs.apache.org repo anywhere)?
> >
> > 2. Any idea how I can workaround this issue to avoid these long download

> > delays?

Unfortunately, your dependencies can introduce repositories to your build.

You can use mirrors in your settings.xml, specifically the
<mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf> section, to prevent Maven contacting extra
repos that show up.  See if this helps:

(It's not coming from the Apache parent pom-- the section that was
quoted is actually from distributionManagement, which controls where
Maven publishes to, not where it retrieves from.  I can tell from the
scp:// url.)

-- Wendy

Hi Wendy,

I was afraid you'd say that. The problem with any workaround involving
settings.xml is it doesn't help when someone downloads my project source and
builds with maven. Adding a README snippet that says: "To avoid long delays
in downloading, muck with your settings.xml like so..." is really ugly, and
breaks the wonderful "It just works" experience of building a new project
with maven.

I'm a little surprised to see this "implicit repo" introduced, as my
dependencies list is pretty small (copied below from my original post).



            <!-- Note: "provided" also seems to work with jdk 1.5 -->
            <!--<scope>provided</scope> -->

            <!-- The manifest of saaj-impl.jar lists activation.jar as
required (Class-Path: saaj-api.jar activation.jar),
            but jdbc4olap does not appear to require it at runtime. Try
adding this jar if you have problems at runtime. -->

Also, the only repo I explicitly include in my pom.xml is:

        <!-- Only required for Sun activation.jar (not hosted on ibiblio,
nor in maven2-repository.dev.java.net). -->

In the interest of trying to make things better (instead of just whining), I
dug into the pom.xml in my local .m2 repo of each of these deps looking for
added repos. I found none. Also, there are no transitive dependencies for
the above deps.

Do you suspect the "implicit" repo:
is being added by the java.net maven1 repo somehow?
And if so, any idea how to fix it (w/out mucking with settings.xml)?
I'd like to understand what is really going on here, and exactly what is
introducing this attempt to download from an unlisted snapshot repo.


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