Jan K schrieb:
First time i created a project using
 mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.careertales -DartifactId=careertales

I got a folder structure as :
 -- resources
 -- webapp

In resources folder,i placed a simple java file(Test.java) which just prints
a string.In webapp folder,I got some default index.jsp file and  a web-inf
folder.Then i executed mvn install command.I got Build Successful in my
console.I am able to see a target folder created.Inside this target folder i
have war,classes,careertales.war folders.Then i executed mvn compile
command.Inside classes folder, my point is i should see the  class file of
Test.But instead i can see the same Test.java file in classes folder.What is
going wrong?

resources is not compiled.. it's for "resources". place it in src/main/java...

follow the maven in 5 minutes guide from http://maven.apache.org ... start with the standard java archetype... makes it easier :-)

After that i placed a java file(This file prints a string)

matinh wrote:
On Thursday 16 October 2008 Jan K wrote:
I went through the site given by arnaud.It is really useful for as i am
new maven.
Through the whole book? Really?

It get the following message in the console:

[INFO] OldArchetype created in dir:
[INFO] Total time: 17 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Oct 16 13:44:21 GMT+05:30 2008
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/13M
The build succeeds. The question is, what did you build? Accoring to the messages above I guess you executed some "mvn archetype:create" command, right? This does not compile anything, it generates a new project.

I have placed my java files in src/main/java.I dont get the class files
generated when i compile.What is wrong in my code?please help
How do you compile? As I explained earlier you should execute "mvn
compile" to compile your classes. The result can be found in the folder target/classes.

- martin

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