So, in my quest to take Maven completely internal, I'm still grappling with a couple of use cases:

1. Gathering plugin dependencies

We have some list of approved plugins we somehow decide we need. For each, we want to populate our repo with any artifacts those plugins might require in use.

During the approval process we create dummy projects to exercise each plugin, then we build those projects against a proxy repo and declare whatever landed in the proxy kosher. That step rubs me wrong because I feel like Maven is resolving plugin dependencies based on the plugin's configuration for a particular project, and we'll easily miss some use cases, ending up with an incomplete repository.

Wendy, apparently has a better way that uses the assembly plugin, but I don't quite understand it. Could you illustrate?

2. Different dependency configurations

Say we like artifact A, so we create a project, P that depends on A. Declared dependencies are like so:

P --> A
   A --> B, C
       B --> D-v1
       C --> D-v2

So we bundle P's dependencies in remote repo configuration and upload to the approved repository, which now includes A, B, C and D-v1.

Some time later, a developer depends on only C, and the project refuses to build. How do you all handle this?

In any case, thank you all for the encouragement that we might not be as crazy as I think.

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