Dependency:copy and/or dependency:copy-dependencies

-----Original Message-----
From: Ketan Khairnar [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 5:42 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Mavenizing Existing Project Part Deux

Based on this discussion, I have a question here regarding uncommon

Once my build is finished I need to copy all the generated artifacts as well
as portal components and some shell scripts/batch files from resources.
Copying is done to custom directory which acts as TestBed of the
application. i.e. it can start jetty..with portal and all application jars.

I couldnt do that using maven-assembly plugin.

Only otions I had
1) jar with dependencies - doesnt work as I need it in directory format or
rather I can first gather all things and then build executable jar....but it
takes longer too considering frequent change install cycle

2) assembly descriptor --- How can I copy generated artifacts i.e. jars
modulesets? ..but then with unpack=false option it also copies all
dependencies too which I don't need

Can anybody suggest me better solution?



On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Dominic Mitchell <> wrote:

> On 25 Feb 2009, at 14:40, Steve Cohen wrote:
>> I am thinking about this very carefully, and the option of not using Maven
>> at all is still in play.  So is the option of using Maven ONLY to grab
>> third-party dependencies into a local repository.
> I did this the other day, using the maven-ant-tasks to manage dependencies
> of an ant based project.  I've written a POM and a minimal ant script, which
> collaborate to download all dependencies from our internal repo.  It works
> like a charm, given that this project can't be converted to maven wholesale
> yet (it's cocoon 2.1, and would need to be migrated to 2.2).
> -Dom

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