Thanks, Rusty.

I am thinking about this very carefully, and the option of not using Maven at all is still in play. So is the option of using Maven ONLY to grab third-party dependencies into a local repository. Another option is to use Eclipse's build functionality "headlessly", from the command line, without Maven. This capabilty exists in Eclipse, although it's not well publicized.

A key goal of mine is to keep local developer builds in Eclipse working pretty much as they have. Directories may have to move to accomodate Maven standards, but I still want to be able to compile and run my Mavenized projects as well as pieces thereof inside Eclipse. In other words, the "Java Build Path", natures, etc. in Eclipse will still be operative and the capabilities of running java apps from the command line, and web apps through WTP will still exist. This is the reason for my perhaps misguided intention of working through m2eclipse.

What's keeping me undecided is the lack of an assertion from anyone that when I am done, my Mavenized projects will be able to be used this way. Can someone tell me definitively that that's possible? If not, I may be wasting my time.
Once you have your project working from the command line, then commit it to svn, then in eclipse check it out from svn as a maven project.
Can you tell me what "checking out as a maven project" actually entails? I tried this on a non-maven project, thinking that it might generate all the maven framework for me, a skeleton POM or something, that I would have to complete. This did not work. It sounds like the right path is to command-line-mavenize, check-in, and then check out as a maven project. I guess I need to understand what a "Maven project" in Eclipse is. I suppose I should generate one from scratch and compare to an existing project.

I think eclipse doesn't like or support nested projects. If you use the nested directories layout, when you import it into eclipse I think the m2eclipse does some voodoo behind your back, rearranging things to make eclipse happy. For me it was a bit more transparent having the modules as parallel projects in eclipse.

I already work this way in Eclipse. No nested projects. So this shouldn't be a problem

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