
>> 2011-04-18 07:18:55 [9017] [4] INFO: Starting to service <Nowa
>> wiadomosc multimedialna od +48xxxxxxxx na http://foto.plus.pl MMS_id:
>> xxxxxxxx haslo: xxxxxxx> from <Centrum MMS> to <+48xxxxxxxxx>
>> This means I got sms msg that I have a new mulitmedia msg that I can
>> download form the website.
>> As far as I understand this means that my operator couldn't send MMS
>> directly due to incompatible the hardware/missing configuration.

I've checked by putting the sim card to phone (Nokia 6021) and MMS
works directly.

After changing sim to Orange (different op) I have the same result in
2011-04-18 10:41:28 [10238] [4] INFO: Starting to service <Otrzymales
nowa wiadomosc MMS do swojego Albumu od numeru 48xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Aby ja 
obejrzec zaloguj sie do portalu www.orange.pl lub kliknij tu:
xxxxxxxxxxxxx==> from <Orange.pl> to <+48xxxxxxxxx>

It seems Huawei is incapable of recieving MMS. Is there a way to check
it to be sure?

I found on other forums:
"Seems like no one has been successfully able to use MMS functionality
using Huawei modem"

On the other hand, NOWSMS seems to support it:

Stanislaw Czech

NOWATEL Sp. z o.o.

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