the action of the commandlink is only executed if the rendered flag
for this and his parent component is true during the decode phase.

Can you post the surrounding datatable tag also?

2005/9/15, Christian Froelich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I try to use a commandLink with an action inside a treeTable but it is
> not working properly  :-(
> The following snippet of a treeTable-column is expected to:
> - render a link if it 's the tableHead
> - render a outputText if it's a row inside the tableBody
> - render a outputText with a special style if it's selected
> <h:column id="columnBrowsTab1" rendered="#{foo.secondBoolean}">
>     <h:commandLink
>    action="#{listener.sort}"
>    immediate="true"
>    rendered="#{foo.obid == 'obid'}">XXXXXXXXXX</h:commandLink>
> <h:outputText value="#{foo.secondColumn}"
>    rendered="#{foo.obid != 'obid' and !(foo.obid == listener.obid)}"/>
> <h:outputText  value="#{foo.secondColumn}"
>    rendered="#{(foo.obid == listener.obid)}"
>    styleClass="treeNodeSelected" />
> </h:column>
> The result so far looks good, but the ACTION method of the link gets
> only fired if the tableBody is empty.
> Any ideas to solve this problem???
>  -  my backingBean has session scope
>  -  I'm using the nightly build from 2005/09/12.
> Warm regards,
> Christian
> --
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