I retrieve the attached file because the deamon refuse the message with a
file with about 8 Mo.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fahmi Hachicha <fahmi.hachi...@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/2/23
Subject: Re: [Trinidad] problem when deploy trinidad-demo-1.2.14.war or
trinidad-blank-1.2.14.war on Tomcat 6
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>

Dear Scott,

I had the library javax.jsp and javax.servlet among the library used so that
there was a conflict I think.

Now the Trinidad Test based on the blank example works with the following
libraries :

I am using Jdeveloper R11 as IDE.

The attached archive is working well.

Do you have an idea how to force Tomcat 6 to run in English on a Windows
French OS Version ? (So that the log will be in English).

Thank you

2011/2/23 Scott O'Bryan <darkar...@gmail.com>

> I assume you have MyFaces installed in Tomcat, is that correct?  If not,
> you may have to build the examples custom to include JSTL and JSF.  By
> default they are not included with the examples because J2EE contains them.
> Other then that, I'm going to need to see more of the stacktrace that's
> being thown (and hopefully in english so I can read it..  :D
> Scott
> On 02/22/2011 12:59 PM, Fahmi Hachicha wrote:
>> Hello,
>> When deploying the examples of the Trinidad 1.2.14 on a Tomcat 6 Web
>> Server,
>> the WebApp does not start due to an error :
>> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
>> GRAVE: Error filterStart
>> 22 févr. 2011 20:29:40 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
>> GRAVE: Erreur de démarrage du contexte [/trinidad-demo-1.2.14] suite aux
>> erreurs précédentes
>> How must I configure Tomcat 6 Server to be able to run these demo examples
>> ?
>> Thanks
>> Fahmi

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