hi alexey,

there are 2 different validation-modules:
#1 property-validation (= extval-constraints + jpa-based validation)
#2 bean-validation (= better jsf-integration of bv)

they follow different concepts -> with @BeanValidation (provided by #2) you
can't control jpa-based validation (provided by #1).
further details are available at [1].


[1] http://s.apache.org/EXTVAL_Chapter


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2013/11/11 Alexey Shakov <alexey.sha...@menta.de>

> Hi *,
> I use Annotation "@BeanValidation(useGroups = SkipValidation.class)" on my
> action method to ignore the validation constraints, if it getting called
> from JSF-facelet.
> I've noticed, that this annotation works good for "standalone"
> constraints, such as @NotNull or @Size, but not for @Column.
> In my case, I have a Hibernate-Entity with a name-property, annotated like
> this:
> @Column(name="NAME", length=80, nullable=false)
> private String name;
> This property is getting always validated (length and not-null check),
> regardless of "@BeanValidation(useGroups = SkipValidation.class)"-annotation
> on corresponding action method.
> What is a reason for this behavior? Did I misunderstand something?
> (I use MyFaces 2.1.13, MyFaces extval 2.0.7, hibernate-validator
> 5.0.1.Final)
> Thanks for any help,
> Alexey

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