that's correct. you can file a feature request for it (at [1]).
if we provide it in extval-core, we can support both with one annotation.



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2013/11/13 Alexey Shakov <>

> Hi Gerhard,
> which version of extval-bypass add-on is compatible with extval 2.0.7?
> I'm trying to use following maven configuration:
> <repository>
>       <id></id>
> <url></url>
> </repository>
> <dependency>
>       <groupId> </groupId>
> <artifactId>extval-annotation-based-bypass-validation</artifactId>
>       <version>1.2.2</version>
> </dependency>
> But it seems, like this version is not compatible with extval 2.0.7
> Best regards,
> Alexey
> Am 12.11.2013 16:12, schrieb Gerhard Petracek:
>> hi alexey,
>> if it used to work, it should still work -> please file an issue and i'll
>> check it.
>> (it would be great, if you can provide a simple demo-app which illustrates
>> the issue.)
>> regards,
>> gerhard
>> Your JSF/JavaEE powerhouse -
>> JavaEE Consulting, Development and
>> Courses in English and German
>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>> 2013/11/12 Alexey Shakov <>
>>  Hi Gerhard,
>>> thank you for the explanation, i understand the background.
>>> But what would be the solution for my problem?
>>> I use validation constraints in the form of jpa, jsr-303 and also
>>> extval-specific annotations. All I need is just to skip JSF-Validation of
>>> empty fields for some GUI-Actions (immediate=true is not an option,
>>> since i
>>> need intermediately save the values in my conversation-scoped bean).
>>> Earlier (with MyFaces 1.2.x) I've used extval with bypass-addon for this
>>> purpose. Since MyFaces  2.1.x this combination does not work.
>>> Can you give please some hints? I think, it is a very common case for
>>> each
>>> more or less complicated web-app, when the user fills the properties of
>>> some session- (or conversation-) scoped) java-bean having intermediate
>>> Ajax-requests (JSF-Actions) at the background.
>>> Thank you in advance for your help.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alexey
>>> Am 11.11.2013 23:40, schrieb Gerhard Petracek:
>>>   hi alexey,
>>>> #1 is supported by [1]
>>>> and
>>>> #2 is supported by [2]
>>>> extval started with [1] and [2] was added later on (once bv was
>>>> finished).
>>>> extval itself doesn't force specific constraint-rules (-> it was
>>>> possible
>>>> to support #1 with [1]).
>>>> however, since [2] delegates most parts to the bv-implementation of your
>>>> choice and bv forces specific constraint-rules, [2] can't support #1.
>>>> (fyi: a jpa-provider can support #2 as well)
>>>> regards,
>>>> gerhard
>>>> [1]
>>>> validator/trunk/validation-modules/property-validation/
>>>> [2]
>>>> validator/trunk/validation-modules/bean-validation/
>>>> Your JSF/JavaEE powerhouse -
>>>> JavaEE Consulting, Development and
>>>> Courses in English and German
>>>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>>>> 2013/11/11 Alexey Shakov <>
>>>>   Hi Gerhard,
>>>>> thank you for a quick answer.
>>>>> I thought, that from JSF-Validation perspective following two notations
>>>>> must be the same:
>>>>> #1:
>>>>> @Column(name="NAME", length=80, nullable=false)
>>>>> private String name;
>>>>> #2
>>>>> @NotNull
>>>>> @Size (max=80)
>>>>> private String name;
>>>>> It is still not clear for me, why they are differently handled by
>>>>> @BeanValidation(useGroups = SkipValidation.class)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Alexey
>>>>> Am 11.11.2013 15:12, schrieb Gerhard Petracek:
>>>>>    hi alexey,
>>>>>  there are 2 different validation-modules:
>>>>>> #1 property-validation (= extval-constraints + jpa-based validation)
>>>>>> #2 bean-validation (= better jsf-integration of bv)
>>>>>> they follow different concepts -> with @BeanValidation (provided by
>>>>>> #2)
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> can't control jpa-based validation (provided by #1).
>>>>>> further details are available at [1].
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> gerhard
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> Your JSF/JavaEE powerhouse -
>>>>>> JavaEE Consulting, Development and
>>>>>> Courses in English and German
>>>>>> Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>>>>>> 2013/11/11 Alexey Shakov <>
>>>>>>    Hi *,
>>>>>>  I use Annotation "@BeanValidation(useGroups = SkipValidation.class)"
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> action method to ignore the validation constraints, if it getting
>>>>>>> called
>>>>>>> from JSF-facelet.
>>>>>>> I've noticed, that this annotation works good for "standalone"
>>>>>>> constraints, such as @NotNull or @Size, but not for @Column.
>>>>>>> In my case, I have a Hibernate-Entity with a name-property, annotated
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>> @Column(name="NAME", length=80, nullable=false)
>>>>>>> private String name;
>>>>>>> This property is getting always validated (length and not-null
>>>>>>> check),
>>>>>>> regardless of "@BeanValidation(useGroups = SkipValidation.class)"-
>>>>>>> annotation
>>>>>>> on corresponding action method.
>>>>>>> What is a reason for this behavior? Did I misunderstand something?
>>>>>>> (I use MyFaces 2.1.13, MyFaces extval 2.0.7, hibernate-validator
>>>>>>> 5.0.1.Final)
>>>>>>> Thanks for any help,
>>>>>>> Alexey

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