On 2018-01-19 10:55 AM, Neil C Smith wrote:

On Fri, 19 Jan 2018 at 14:07 David Cogen <co...@ll.mit.edu <mailto:co...@ll.mit.edu>> wrote:

    "Lack of contrast"? Let's start with the editor window: light gray
    text on dark
    gray background?

 Also, don't forget that editor themes and the look-and-feel (Dark Metal) are related but not the same thing.

Yes, but why? Why can't we have a single theme setting that encompasses both things? To David's point (which I am going to reply to in a minute) customizing the Netbeans UI is too annoying so I just stick to the defaults as well. Every time I tried customizing the colors I've lived to regret it :)


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