Hi Geertjan,

A use case that you can reproduce with NetBeans 11.0 (Build 
Java: 1.8.0_172; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.172-b11
Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_172-b11
System: Windows 10 version 10.0 running on amd64; Cp1252; fr_FR (nb).

Menu File > New Project. Java with Maven and Web Application. Next.

I give a name to the project. Next.

Server Payara 5.192. No choice for Java EE 8. I choose Java EE 7 Web. Click 

If I want to use a wizard to generate some code:

Right click on the project > New > Entity Classes from Database.

Right click on the project > New > JSF Pages from Entity Classes. Add all the 
entity classes. Next.

I choose JSF 2.2 (no "JSF 2.3").

[  Just by the way, at this moment there is a problem if I launch the 
application by mistake. NetBeans is stuck for a very long time because Payara 
cannot start and it is not possible to cancel quickly the process by clicking 
on the square linked to the process at the bottom of the NetBeans window.  ]

If I want to use Java EE 8 instead of Jva EE 7, I must make changes in pom;xml 
(which ones exactly? Not so clear) and in web.xml and persistence.xml (change 
the versions).

Instead I could use some Maven archetypes as you suggest; I think I will choose 
this solution if nothing is changed in NetBeans before my course. I have found 
2 archetypes: from Adam Bien and from Philip Riecks.

But with the older versions of NetBeans and Java EE, all was out of the box and 
it was a big advantage over other IDEs. It's no longer quite the case today 
with NetBeans 11 and Java EE 8. It is the simple explanation of what I said in 
my previous message. In my course I have a lot of things to explain in a very 
short time and don't want to spend too much time in installation details or on 

It's good news that Payara will soon be integrated in NetBeans without an 
external plugin. Where can I find the elements by Josh Juneau about Java EE 8? 
Will they be integrated in the next version of NetBeans? Around what date will 
it be ready (to find out if I can wait before preparing my course)?

Thanks for the good work of the whole team working on NetBeans.

Best regards,


Le 15/06/2019 à 12:30, Geertjan Wielenga a écrit :

Can you be very explicit about ‘but that is not quite the case these days’? Do 
you mean specifically the need for an installer, which already exists, but you 
can’t find it? We need very explicit statements because we really want to 
support you.

And what do you mean explicitly about NetBeans ‘adapted to Java EE 8’, very 
explicitly? We have a PR right now about Payara integration by the Payara team, 
as well as a PR by Josh Juneau about various UI elements explicitly including 
Java EE 8. So these are available but not integrated yet.

Though using Maven you could set up an archetype, e.g., the AirHacks archetypes 
by Adam Bien, which support Java EE 8, and deploy to GlassFish, from Apache 
NetBeans 11.0 onwards.


On Sat, 15 Jun 2019 at 11:46, Richard Grin 
<richard.g...@univ-cotedazur.fr<mailto:richard.g...@univ-cotedazur.fr>> wrote:

I'm preparing a course on Java EE for this fall. When can I expect a
NetBeans version adapted to Java EE 8? Is it already planned?

Will the last versions of Payara be included in the available servers?

I have been using NetBeans for a long time because the installation of
the working environment was very simple for students but this is not
quite the case these days.


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Richard Grin

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