Since this was nagging at me, I uninstalled Netbeans, reverted my change
to the JDK, and checked all my environment variables. The Path did not
have any quotes around the JDK or JRE bin specs, so I quoted them.
(Either AdoptOpenJDK doesn't do that, or Windows intervened to be 'helpful'.
It does remove quotes when you edit the path as a list instead of a string.)
I also verified that I had a JAVA_HOME variable set, with a quoted path.
Running the netbeans installer with the --javahome parameter did work,
and once Netbeans was installed it did launch without a hitch.

I don't know what is different this time around, other than having the
JAVA_HOME variable set at install time and ensuring that the PATH parts
related to java are quoted.

Thanks for bearing with me.

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