Thank you sir,

my particular interest is in struts2 framework.

I was particularly drawn to NetBeans because of the page I found showing

I can develop  stuts2  graphically.

That page seems to show struts1 , may be it is out of date. Can I also use it for struts2  ?

I am about to make a start ?

On 04/01/2020 00:06, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:

Yes this is the user list. We have a separate one called dev for those who has the interest!

On 1/3/20 3:23 PM, zahid wrote:

is this the right emailing list for users of NetBeans because I have no

interest in developing anything for  netbeans just use want to netbeans for developing web applications ?

On 03/01/2020 23:16, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:

It shall work, here is the line from the Snap package:

StartupWMClass=Apache NetBeans IDE 11.2

It was confirmed to work for 11.2

On 1/3/20 3:10 PM, Neil C Smith wrote:

On Fri, 3 Jan 2020, 21:36 ronald marangwanda, < <>> wrote:

    I added that line to the .desktop file but I do not know what
    the correct WMClass for Apache Netbeans 11.2 is.

Ah, sorry, you're right - it should match the value you get from xprop. And does seem like the code to set WM_CLASS linked here doesn't work any more?!

Best wishes,


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