The question is what it is you’re trying to achieve here. Given what you’re
trying to do right now, your approach could be considered to be “wrong”,
i.e., start by thinking of the larger idea of the application you’re trying
to build and the features you need for that.

A better approach than building up an IDE from scratch, as you seem to be
doing, is to start from the full IDE and remove the parts you don’t need.
It’s the exact opposite to what you’re doing, please consider it.


On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 17:10, Richard <> wrote:

> Thank you Geertjan
> This is a simple exercise to look at the possibilities that each ide
> module can give. I tried successfully the image editor and the Utilities
> module, but it is clear that some other ide modules need to be selected for
> the XML editor since I can run with all ide modules selected.
> But how can I find the missing modules ? Of course, I could start with all
> ide modules selected and try to unselect one module at each run until it
> fails, but it would take a very long time. How the error message can help ?
> Richard
> Le 07/03/2021 à 17:03, Geertjan Wielenga a écrit :
> Your usage may vary with that book. All the principles and ideas are
> correct, but some individual instructions may be outdated.
> Gj
> On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 16:57, Richard <> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Running Netbeans 12.0 with OpenJDK11 on Linux Mint 19.3 x64.
>> Trying to run some examples in chapter 1 of the nbp4beginners book. I
>> just created a sample project without any module, and tried to select
>> some modules from the ide cluster in the properties-libraries window,
>> such as Image or Utilities. All is OK.
>> Then I followed the chapter in order to activate the XML Text
>> editor :
>> > XML Editor
>> > Users may need to edit XML files of one kind or another in your
>> > application. In the ide cluster, select XML
>> > Text Editor and you will be prompted via the red Resolve button to
>> > include other XML-related NetBeans
>> > modules
>> Some other related modules are selected when clicking the "Resolve"
>> button, all seems to be OK, but running the project fails, and I get an
>> error message (see the attached document). This message does not help me
>> in finding which module is missing.
>> Trying again with selecting the whole ide cluster (all ide modules are
>> selected), and running again the project is fine : I get a colored
>> syntax when opening xml files, and there is a contextual menu for XML
>> options.
>> So, selecting only the XML Text editor module and the related modules by
>> the "Resolve" button is not enough. Could anybody help me in finding
>> what modules are really needed ? I join the log file that contains the
>> errors.
>> Note for Geertjan : this is NOT the tutorial that we discussed yesterday
>> and that works perfectly :)
>> Richard
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