Does this have anything to do with removal of XML binding in Java 11
timeframe?  And maybe need to add a dependency for this to the project?


On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 10:14 AM Geertjan Wielenga
<> wrote:

> The question is what it is you’re trying to achieve here. Given what
> you’re trying to do right now, your approach could be considered to be
> “wrong”, i.e., start by thinking of the larger idea of the application
> you’re trying to build and the features you need for that.
> A better approach than building up an IDE from scratch, as you seem to be
> doing, is to start from the full IDE and remove the parts you don’t need.
> It’s the exact opposite to what you’re doing, please consider it.
> Gj
> On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 17:10, Richard <> wrote:
>> Thank you Geertjan
>> This is a simple exercise to look at the possibilities that each ide
>> module can give. I tried successfully the image editor and the Utilities
>> module, but it is clear that some other ide modules need to be selected for
>> the XML editor since I can run with all ide modules selected.
>> But how can I find the missing modules ? Of course, I could start with
>> all ide modules selected and try to unselect one module at each run until
>> it fails, but it would take a very long time. How the error message can
>> help ?
>> Richard
>> Le 07/03/2021 à 17:03, Geertjan Wielenga a écrit :
>> Your usage may vary with that book. All the principles and ideas are
>> correct, but some individual instructions may be outdated.
>> Gj
>> On Sun, 7 Mar 2021 at 16:57, Richard <> wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Running Netbeans 12.0 with OpenJDK11 on Linux Mint 19.3 x64.
>>> Trying to run some examples in chapter 1 of the nbp4beginners book. I
>>> just created a sample project without any module, and tried to select
>>> some modules from the ide cluster in the properties-libraries window,
>>> such as Image or Utilities. All is OK.
>>> Then I followed the chapter in order to activate the XML Text
>>> editor :
>>> > XML Editor
>>> > Users may need to edit XML files of one kind or another in your
>>> > application. In the ide cluster, select XML
>>> > Text Editor and you will be prompted via the red Resolve button to
>>> > include other XML-related NetBeans
>>> > modules
>>> Some other related modules are selected when clicking the "Resolve"
>>> button, all seems to be OK, but running the project fails, and I get an
>>> error message (see the attached document). This message does not help me
>>> in finding which module is missing.
>>> Trying again with selecting the whole ide cluster (all ide modules are
>>> selected), and running again the project is fine : I get a colored
>>> syntax when opening xml files, and there is a contextual menu for XML
>>> options.
>>> So, selecting only the XML Text editor module and the related modules by
>>> the "Resolve" button is not enough. Could anybody help me in finding
>>> what modules are really needed ? I join the log file that contains the
>>> errors.
>>> Note for Geertjan : this is NOT the tutorial that we discussed yesterday
>>> and that works perfectly :)
>>> Richard
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Eric Bresie

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