Am 01.03.24 um 15:24 schrieb Michael Bien:

there are several red flags here which might cause you problems in future:

 - Don't start NB with root rights. Subsequent starts will likely not be able 
to write to cache/log folders.
I used `sudo -H` to avoid this.

  - The "force plugin install into shared directories" is not a good idea
Why is it provided? I prefer to install binaries under binaries locations, 
which is /usr/lib here. /home is for data and configs. Helps to minimize backup 
footprint an allows all users to profit from the installed binaries.
(esp with root rights)
Under which conditions it is possible to install in shared directories without 
root rights?
and is likely the original cause why nb-javac couldn't be found if you done 
that in past

It was first time I installed NB 21.

NetBeans ships with nb-javac preinstalled as regular module, if you don't 
change anything it should just work. Start NB, open/create a project and the 
right modules will activate.

Unfortunately this didn't happen at me.


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