Am 15.10.2012 22:23, schrieb José Luis Cetina:
Hi im deloying my web app's in TomEE and i always use:

-XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled

I use NetBeans 7.2 and i can redeploy everytime and the memory leak doesnt
appear, i recomend you the parameters.

These options can delay an OutOfMemoryError, but they don't prevent it, if the server keeps references to stale classloaders.

Another leak is caused by org.apache.tomee.common.NamingUtil which has a static registry storing all JNDI resources. Entries get added to the registry on every redeployment, but they are never removed. I can see my @PersistenceContexts piling up there...

Best regards,

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