Good catch Harald,

will fix them (NamingUtil + jsfClasses) today and should be available in
tomorrow snapshot

*Romain Manni-Bucau*
*Twitter: @rmannibucau <>*
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2012/10/16 José Luis Cetina <>

> Yes, maybe this only delay the OutOfMemoryError, i wasnt clear, i use this
> for redeploy my app in DEVELOPMENT not PRODUCTION that's why this   options
> works for me in development environment
> 2012/10/15 Harald Wellmann <>
> > Am 15.10.2012 22:23, schrieb José Luis Cetina:
> >
> >  Hi im deloying my web app's in TomEE and i always use:
> >>
> >> -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
> >> -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled
> >>
> >> I use NetBeans 7.2 and i can redeploy everytime and the memory leak
> doesnt
> >> appear, i recomend you the parameters.
> >>
> >>
> > These options can delay an OutOfMemoryError, but they don't prevent it,
> if
> > the server keeps references to stale classloaders.
> >
> > Another leak is caused by org.apache.tomee.common.**NamingUtil which has
> > a static registry storing all JNDI resources.  Entries get added to the
> > registry on every redeployment, but they are never removed. I can see my
> > @PersistenceContexts piling up there...
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Harald
> >
> >
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> *SCJA. José Luis Cetina*
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

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