I agree, this is a great discussion!

I know this is an old topic, but I was doing some browsing, came across this
topic, and thought I might take a look, since I have had the same goal...
'Tomee Plus instead of Glassfish'. :)

It 'sounds' good, and for good 'business' to allow developers to 'drop' an
app (or deploy an app) to any container, but honestly, I don't mind the work
involved to go from one container (e.g. Glassfish) to another container

I currently have a JSF/PrimeFaces web app that is currently running on
Glassfish in production right now. For the last 5 to 7 days, I have been
'working' to migrate that app from Glassfish to TomEE 1.5+
(SNAPSHOT). So far, it has been a great 'and' learning experience.

Yes, NetBeans/Glassfish (and Mojarra!!!) allow
inexperienced/new/limited-experienced (java) developers (like myself) to
develop an app based on tutorials/showcases, code shared by others on
blogs/forums/etc..., and 10 times out of 10, that code works!

All of that really helped me to be the successful JSF developer that I am
today, but one day, I sought 'performance', I wanted my JSF web app to be
reliable and run really really well 'in production' even though my web app
is serving less than 10 people (my family). Some people have knocked me,
since I'm only developing a web app for 'family'. That's another topic, so I
won't discuss that. :)

Anyway, while seeking performance, I saw others recommend (Apache) MyFaces
over Mojarra. Glassfish and Mojarra was already allowing my web app to run
really well, reliably, etc.., but I had an unquenched thirst for 'best
performance' (still thirsty for that, too...smile).

So, I decided to migrate 'from' Mojarra 2.1.7 to MyFaces Core 2.1.8. In that
process, I realized that Mojarra 'allowed' so many things to work while the
same did 'not' work in/with MyFaces Core 2.1.8. Did I gripe or complain? No.
I kept modifying code/xhtml, so I could complete the task of migrating to
MyFaces, since the performance was undeniable there! If I'm not mistaking,
that was a 7-day job for me, but that task was completed and is in the past.

So, my JSF/PrimeFaces/Glassfish3.1.2.2/MyFaces-Core-2.1.9 app is running
very very well in production, and pages render so very fast. Yes, i've add
performance-tuning context-param's in web.xml as well as did some
performance tuning in and for the Apache Derby database. I am sure that I
can make more performance improvements throughout the app though as I
continue to read and listen to what others are doing.

Back to the topic (Tomee Plus instead of Glassfish)...

As an actively-participating member of PrimeFaces Core community, I have
seen others state in their profile signature that they are running Tomcat
6/7.x. When I realized that I wanted to use a new feature called PrimeFaces
Push (powered by Atmosphere/websockets), I had issues using this with
Glassfish, but heard that it works with Tomcat and TomEE. Sometime
within the last 1 or 2 months, I attempted to migrate from Glassfish
to Tomcat 7.0.32, but I had to drop in so many different JARs, and I failed
to get the app started.

Last week, someone recommended TomEE for Primefaces Push, so I decided to
migrate to TomEE plus, and the task is not complete yet, but hoping to
finish soon and push my JSF/PrimeFaces/TomEE Plus app to production, ASAP.

Also, motivation to migrate to TomEE came from Mark Blevin's blog,  Why is
OpenWebBeans so fast?
<http://struberg.wordpress.com/2012/03/20/why-is-openwebbeans-so-fast/>  .
Like I said, I have unquenched thirst for performance (as well as
'success'), so I want Tomcat/TomEE/OpenWebBeans/OpenEJB, and 'all' they have
to offer, even/especially if that means I need to clean up and 'correct' my
'buggy/illegal' code that worked in Glassfish as well as Mojarra!!! :)

As Anthony stated below, the following blog or tutorial would be great!

> Maybe creating a "Migrating Your App from Glassfish to Tomee" webpage
> would be helpful.

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