On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Phil Scadden <p.scad...@gns.cri.nz> wrote:
> Okay. I really have to get around the 180 problem.
> Here is the issue:
> I have line and polygon data that crosses the 180 line. Now with some
> projections, both geoserver and ESRI ArcGIS Server can map these
> successfully. However, the moment you want to use Google map data you
> are in trouble. I can find no way to persuade either system to deliver
> lines and polygon data crossing the 180 with the google spherical
> mercator. ESRI have more or less indicated that they dont care.
> Geoserver says it would take a rewrite of their render.

Which was completed some time back - see
http://blog.geoserver.org/2010/02/23/geoserver-map-wrapping/ for

Ian Turton
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