On Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:22:02 -0700
John Hart <jh...@testra.com> wrote:

> On 2/21/2013 12:44 PM, JB wrote:
> >    Because of the major foul-up of a couple of list members today by 
> > sending out
> > the complete addresses of everyone in the 'To' field, it made me think to 
> > ask a
> > question that might possibly help end or at least slow that kind of mistake 
> > down.
> >
> >   
> How did this happen? I received only the first part of the list in one 
> email and the last part in another. Hardly enough to keep a spam 
> generator happy for more than a few seconds!
> PLEASE keep the list secure, I get more than enough spam already!
> And what did the subject,
> Today is International Mother Language Day
> have to do with the AOO user forum?
> jrh

  You seem to have missed the point. If *your* email address had been in that 
  of addresses, would *you* have been just tickled pink to find out? And 
  so after you started to receive hundreds of spam e-mails all of a sudden in 

  Anyway, do you have an answer to my question of automatic 'Bcc' instead of 
'To' or

  I also didn't understand the reason for the IMLD thing, but it was small and 
  list is actually relatively slow compared to others I'm on...at ~10/day, 
  not enough to fret over consuming all my free time about.

Man is a religious animal. He is the only religious animal. He is the only
animal that has the True Religion -- several of them.  -Mark Twain

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