On 02/06/2017 01:56 PM, James Plante wrote:
On Feb 6, 2017, at 2:42 PM, Girvin Herr <ghe...@fastmail.com <mailto:ghe...@fastmail.com>> wrote

2. AOO does not include a database report generator, which is crucial
  to my work.  You can create the database, but there is no way in AOO
  to print it out nicely.  LO does include a report generator and it
  works fine.
Are you sure it needs a report generator? Can you not open your database as a data source in Writer to produce reports? A report is really just a big, complex form letter.
Umm. I guess I will have to amend my "no way" to "no easy way". The report generator does use either Writer or Calc to do the formatting/printing. However, I have spent a good amount of time formatting my reports the way I want them. To throw that out and start over is not acceptable. It is much easier to use LO when I need to print a report. I think I tried manually using writer for a report once and the results were not pretty. I admit I am not experienced in this process but it seems it would take a lot of recurring work to format the data in Writer for each table, of which I have many, and each update, which are ongoing. The Report Generator just makes it so much easier. It is like a wizard for the data. Would you like to use writer to create and maintain your forms? You can, but that doesn't mean you should, unless you are into pain.

3. LO does not restore a session properly, where AOO does.
  I like to keep several oft-used files open all the time.  I do not
  close these files before I shut down.  I expect these files to be
  reopened at startup the next time I use the system, so I don't have
  to manually open them all.  AOO does this properly. LO, from version
  4.x on, does not.
Thank you, Girvin. You just gave me a useful idea.

Jim Plante
You're welcome.

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