OpenOffice has two versions, the official release and the development
version, If you want the newest features but accept a risk of having
problems (bugs, things not working, ...) install the Beta 2.0, but if
you want something that work's well, with less features but less
problems then install the official release (the stable, version number

As you might know the ".com" is for "commercial", and openoffice is
definitely not a commercial software (all the contrary) it is a free,
open source (anyone can contribute or modify it) software. The ".org" is
for "organisation", open office is definitely much more of an
organisation that a commercial company, there is also the ".net" but
that doesn't describe at all what sort of thing it is. I don't know if
this is the real reason, but it is the most probable (I think).

I hope you'll be happy with OpenOffice,


on 23.04.2005 00:17 norman jacobs said the following:

> I was recomended to you by
> <> and I do not know anything about  you. I had
> Microsoft Office and it was only A 60 temporary version.  I have not
> Deleted it off my Add & Remove Programs yet. I see you have  2
> versions. Is their anyway to take A tour of
> <>   I see you have the [ org ] Why the ORG
> ?? I also have another E-Mail address    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    or the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    norman   jacobs

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