On 10/03/2008 07:57 AM, David Lowe wrote:
> On Oct 3, 2008, at 06:39 , Larry Evans wrote:
>> I tried to download from:
>>   http://openoffice.bouncer.osuosl.org/download-form.php
>> by selecting:
>>   OpenOffice.org-3.0.0rc3 | linuxx86-64deb | en-US(en-US)
>> and got message in red below _Download Chooser_:
>>   * The download you selected is not available. Please try again  
>> later.
>> so I guess I'll have to "try again later" :(
>       The bouncer has a bad habit of lying, in that it offers packages  
> that it should know it doesn't have.  There is no officially  
> available 64 bit compile of OOo for any platform that i know of [and  
> certainly none here: http://download.openoffice.org/other.html#en- 
> US ].  It'll have to be up to some mirror to offer that compile.  Try  
> the official mirror list http://distribution.openoffice.org/ 
> mirrors/ , and some other members of the list may know of a 3rd party  
> mirror that has it.

Bouncer isn't "lying". It has issues (that are being addressed) but
"lying"? Hardly.

Perhaps you should actually read the information on the page:

If the following Bouncer links do not work then please select one of the
mirrors listed at the distribution page and download the binary from the
../contrib/rc/3.0.0rc3/ directory or select the no javascript page. For
localized installation sets please visit one of the extended mirror
sites listed here: http://distribution.openoffice.org/mirrors#extmirrors
and select the directory ./extended/3.0.0rc3/

Hmmm... advises me to try a mirror, ok:


select one close to David Lowe:

look in "../contrib/rc/3.0.0rc3/ directory" as advised:

look for a 64bit deb... well what do you know:

It also advises:
Note: Not all mirrors have been confirmed to have the build.
so if you don't find it on one mirror, try another.

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