I Have been using Windows 3.1 for app. 15 years without Internet access and  
been very happy with it.
However, my family recently bought me a new Windows XP computer with  
Internet access.
My ignorance of the new technology is amazing - even 18 year old high  school 
kids are bailing me out of my infinite number of computer mistakes.
I would like to download OpenOffice to a CD and then use that CD in the  
computer when I need to write letters, makes a spreadsheet, database, etc. The  
reason being that I am terrified of paralyzing the computer hard drive someway  
when I make my usual mistakes. Is this possible? Can I download the OpenOffice 
 program to a CD?
Sorry to bother you with my problem, but I really am concerned that I might  
"freeze" all operations on my computer (it did happen on my 3.1 - the only 
thing  I could do with the computer was play Solitaire; no letters, 
 databases, etc. I had to go to a repairman to straighten out my mess; It was 
 time-consuming and costly).
Thanks for your help.
John M. Kelly

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