On 05/10/2008 12:27, Alan Lord wrote:
Harold Fuchs wrote:
On 05/10/2008 10:40, Alan Lord wrote:
Rob Clement wrote:
<snip />
Anyway - another great example of why these lists are *so* much better accessed using gmane.

Please excuse my ignorance but how is this (repeated message problem) alleviated by the use of gmane?

Well, mainly, it means I don't get my email inboxes filling up with tons of spam. But I would say that perhaps my wording should have concluded with the phrase "for me" ;-)

I tend to "act on" email in a far more timely manner than I do with newsgroups. It's way I work; newsgroups are to be read and comments made during those quiet/leisure periods.

Although I have 10 or so different email addresses, almost all of the mail that arrives in them is - in some way - important and relevant to work/family whatever. Newsgroups are treated very differently.

I usually have *no* unread messages in my email boxes, the many newsgroups I subscribe to sit at the bottom of the folder list and get read/dealt with as and when I can (I use Thunderbird BTW).

For me, it's a great way to differentiate between traditional email activities and mailing lists.



Yes, thanks. I just use an e-mail address for this list that I don't use for anything else. The mail to that address has its own Thunderbird Inbox, folders etc. It is not part of "Local Folders". That way there is no mixing between traffic on this list and other "proper" traffic. The benefit is that I can (have) set up a filter to highlight posts from unsubscribed users. Can't do that in Thunderbird's news reader :-(

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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