H.S. wrote:
> James Knott wrote:
>> Alan Lord wrote:
>>> Harold Fuchs wrote:
>>>> On 05/10/2008 10:40, Alan Lord wrote:
>>>>> Rob Clement wrote:
>>>>> <snip />
>>>>> Anyway - another great example of why these lists are *so* much
>>>>> better accessed using gmane.
>> I used to use a news reader, for many topics.  Unfortunately, my ISP
>> discontinued the news server and I didn't look elsewhere for another.
> Gmane's news servers are open to the public. Just keep in mind that
> gmane.org provide this news groups service only to mirror various
> mailing lists.
> I use gmane too. I agree with the other author, it is much more
> convenient than using emails. I still subscribe to the mailing list, but
> in my email account the emails of this mailing list are set to be deleted.

One other issue that affects me anyway, is I use more than one computer
for my email.  Since I have my own imap mail server at home, this isn't
an issue for mail, but with news readers, anything I read on one
computer will still show as unread on another.  The only way around
that, that I'm aware of, is to run the news reader remotely, via vpn or
ssh.  While I have done similar many times in the past, when connecting
from another site, such as my office, it is a *LOT* slower.

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