Rob Clement wrote:
Larry Gusaas wrote:
Hedley Finger wrote:


The hardware problem is irrelevant. The AutoRecovery feature is there to prevent loss of data when there is a *hardware* [??!?!!!] or software failure.

Full auto-recovery implies that somewhere all the data in a file at the point of a crash is somehow stored somewhere whence it can be retrieved. What and where is this somewhere, pray?

Read the bug report. AutoRecovery is broken.

On my system I have my preferences set to "Save AutoRecovery information every 5 minutes". If I work on a document for an hour and my system crashes, when I reopen OO.o it will ask me if I want recover document. When it does so, instead of using the data saved every five minutes it opens the last manually saved version of my document and a hour of my work will have been lost.

Is that clear now?

Read the original rant from the user. he had this problem of his power supply in version 2 of openoffice and when OOo 3.0 auto recovery failed he blamed OOo auto recovery and not his power supply problem.

I agree fix OOo auto recovery. but power supply is quicker to fix and easier then to find out how much of a problem the software is.


Rob, you are a sick puppy.

I quote:
"Read the original rant from the user. he had this problem of his power
supply in version 2"

Where do you get this from??? even when people are spelling this out for you, you still pursue the ridiculous, THE ISSUE WAS NOT WITH VERSION 2 IT WAS WITH VER 3, the rferal to the power problem simply illistrates how I lost power and then the inability of OOo 3 to recover. Gee, I hope I don't bump into you to often here.

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