On Wednesday 01 June 2005 15:39, Don Wallace wrote:
>I've used Open Office for about a year and sought to
>upgrade.  The Pay Pal system for donating funds doesn't
>A while back, I tried to use Pay Pal to pay for something
>off of Ebay.  Immediately after signing up, I got a
>"phishing" message seeking personal information.  The Pay
>Pal folks identified it as "phishing" and I had to kill my
>debit card with my bank.
>I tried to sign up again today to make a donation.  After
>going through the registration process and entering the
>email address I've held for 5 years, Pay Pal asked me to
>sign in.  I tried.  Unfortunately, my email address was
>identified as unregistered.
>I tried to send an email to identify the problem.  I got
>into one of these endless loops that goes nowhere.  I
>couldn't even find a place to send Pay Pal a note explaining
>my difficulty?  Had I been tricked into signing onto an
>insecure site when I tried to make a donation to Open
>I would like some accountability and credibility on the part
>of Pay Pal.

Wouldn't we all.  I've gotten so many phishing messages that look like 
PayPal I now sort them to the JunqueMail folder marked as spam.  I 
haven't touched PayPal with any length of pole since they started 
requireing an entry into my checking account so they could debit 
whatever they *think* they are owed.

These people hide behind a web interface, with no published telephone 
numbers where one might be able to talk to a real, honest to goodness 
human after you blow off the first 2 layers of script reading drones.  
Thats certainly NOT how Dale Carnagie(sp) tried to teach them in his 

I do buy from ebay from time to time, but I'm up front with the 
seller, he takes my check (or one mailed from my bank), waits for it 
to clear, and then sends the merchandise or I renege on the sale.  No 
ifs and or buts about it, its my money & I don't frankly care about 
whatever feedback the jerk may leave.  I'm not out to screw anybody, 
and I detest having to do business with anyone who thinks I'm a thief 
until proven otherwise.

EBay is similarly hard to deal with in person too.  I made a purchase 
of a controller card for a piece of broadcast gear while I was at 
that site a couple of years ago, and because I was not sending the 
messages from my home address, they refused to fwd my messages to the 
seller for almost a week.  But the sale was good, yessiree Bob.  We 
traded spit and expletives over the phone at length, several times 
before they finally gave the seller my phone number.

I'd put an alert and a stop order on anything that your financial 
folks get from them.  I don't know of any other way to get their 
attention.  The phishers have now got it figured out how to hide the 
numerical address hidden in the html link to the dummy page so you 
cannot now trust *ANY* such email.  We oughta bag them all up along 
with a few pounds of wheelweights and make them walk across the big 
Miss.  Without a bridge of course.

As far as donations are concerned, I'd expect that if an address was 
given, a check would be appreciated.  This thing is getting pretty 
good IMO, so I'd better put a check of my own where my mouth is.

My card has only been hit once, for a small amount, and my card fixed 
it instantly.  MC has treated me decently so far. 10+ years, its the 
only card I carry.

Good luck.

>I like Open Office and wish to upgrade.  I will do so
>without making a donation, even in Euros.
>Don Wallace

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.35% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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