John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 22:38:23 -0500
> Web Kracked <> dijo:
>> > I understand that if you created an editable PDF in Adobe Acrobat you
>> > *can* set any font you want for a control, and the font is embedded in
>> > the PDF. I haven't tested this myself, however, as I do not have
>> > Acrobat.
>> try the trial pack and see.  
> No trial pack for me. Both my computers run Ubuntu. I do have Windows
> 2000 (the last Windows I used before going to Linux) as a guest OS, but
> current versions of Acrobat won't install. Windows 2000 does not have
> the DRM stuff to enable Adobe's activation requirements, so they made
> Acrobat 7 and later require XP or Vista. I'm not going there. :)
> My only option is to go to a university computer lab. The graduate
> labs have Acrobat installed under the university's site license. But
> that is an extra trip across town and a large expenditure of time.
> Perhaps during spring break, but not with the end of the term looming.
> I'm not very smart so I have to work extra hard.
>> I did look into a earlier email with the export to PDF using PDF/A1
>> for font embedded, but I have my computers setup with the same fonts.
>> I will need to install a(1-4) new-very-special-looking font.
>> That way the other computer will not have it and we will test it out
>> well.  My last major newsletter had special "fonts/glyphs" in many,
>> many locations, including the page numbers.  I dropped that PageMaker
>> project last year, due to health troubles.  I may take one of those
>> pages and use OOo to set it up and export it for comparisons.
> Someone else suggested PDF/A1 so I tried it. Adobe Acrobat 8.1/Linux
> would not open the resulting PDF. 

That would have been me :-)

It doesn't surprise me that you couldn't open the resulting PDF, either.
If you had actually followed through and perhaps clicked on any of the
links I had provided you may have gained a clue as to why that would not
be possible.

I am also a firm believer in that once a subject changes from the
subject title, one should change it to reflect that change, hence
another change of subject title :-(

For me, this has been a little learning curve. i.e. I don't as-a-rule
set forms and save them to PDF.

But looking at setting forms and saving to PDF I would say that you have
struck a bug in OOo (I'm using version 3.01 for PPC)

That is: *you said* in an earlier post...
>> Apparently I did not make something clear.

In your OP, you did not.

>> Whatever font I specify for the document *is* embedded in the PDF. The
>> correct font appears on everyone's computer. All except for a font in a
>> control in a form, that is. Those default to Arial. And if I set it to
>> Times (one of the seven mentioned by someone else), it still defaults
>> to Arial for the control. Again, note that it is just the control
>> (combo box, text box, etc.) that comes out as Arial.

Now for me, on a PPC Mac using OOo 3.0.1, if I set a sans serif font in
a form - e.g. "Courier", on saving the file to PDF, the font defaults to
"Helvetica" (PPC Mac equivalent to "Arial"). But if I set the font to a
serif "Times New Roman", not a problem, the resulting PDF display Times
New Roman, as the font to use in the form.

>> As for bug reports, it is not a bug. What I need to file is a feature
>> request, and I already did so over a year ago. Nothing has come of it,
>> however. Perhaps it is hard to implement.

I think its a bug and not a feature.

>> At any rate, that is why I asked in this thread,

The thread's *subject* had *no* bearing on _your__ *problem*  You should
*change* the thread subject, when that is the case. You might attract
real *help* in that way.

>> because if someone is going to make improvements
>> to PDF export, letting me set any font that I want for a control is a
>> feature I would dearly love to have.

Please read my last paragraph again.

Mike Dawe

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