Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Gene Young wrote:
>> Due to the way that mail programs thread subjects, changing the subject line
>> just intermingles the subjects into one thread.
>> The rule of thumb is:
>> New question
>> Start NEW thread.
>> Do not hijack someone else's thread, even with a change of subject line.
>> Common courtesy which results in an easier to follow thread line for
>> everyone.
> Thank you Gene. The OP should know that even _related_ subjects are
> _different_ subjects. If it is different enough to change the subject
> line, then it is different enough to start a new thread. Replying to
> the old thread with a new title is not the same as starting a new
> thread. Presumably, the OP does not use a threading email client.

You presumed wrong.

Changing the subject header is done when the topic strays. Threading is
left intact so that others who *do* use threading in a client, know
where the topic has come from and that the subject matter has changed.

The subject header OTOH *should* reflect what is being talked about in
the body (hopefully) of the post. It helps alert new readers and
latecomers to decide whether to read further into the thread or not,
e.g. if the subject header says it is all about the best widgets, but
reading the posts he/she finds out its instead 50 more posts all about
wombles, the person wanting to know about the best widgets is likely to
be disappointed.

FWIW: <>
"Stay on topic
When the context of the message changes, be sure to change the subject
line, or your mail may not be read by many subscribers."

Food for thought, esp. as its from OOo's guidelines for its own lists.

It is *not* hijacking a thread to change the subject header. This
thread's topic had *already* changed from what the subject header
reflected several posts back, ergo, if it was hijacked, it was done
before I changed the subject header.

I would not have changed the subject if it had anything to do with the
body text's context. It simply did not, and IMO needed changing to
reflect what was *actually* being discussed.

FWIW: <>
"Dos and Dont's of list NETIQUETTE

   1. Pay attention to Subject Headings. Mail should have a subject
heading which reflects the content of the message. If the subject
changes over the course of several responses, then change the subject
heading to reflect the content."


Mike Dawe

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