On 02/25/2009 03:04 AM, Michele Zarri wrote:
> [snip]

> Hello,
> Indeed it is a bit tricky to have an mp3 song to play in Impress under Linux
> and you will need to spend some time configuring your system.
> All the information on how to install JMF can be found on this page of the
> Wiki [1]:
> Once you have done that you need an additional step to enable MP3s (also
> explained in [1]).
> When the machine has been configured, you are a step closer to do what you
> want, but not quite there yet.
> In order to have a song play across multiple slides you will have to
> instruct Impress to use the song as a transition sound. Somewhat detailed
> instructions can be found here [2].
> Note that [2] is currently being reviewed so you may want to check in a
> month or so to see if it has been updated. In general, in case you find the
> user guide not easy to follow (or even wrong!), please let me know as I am
> one of the contributors to writing that chapter and user feedback is very
> welcome.
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
> Michele
> [1] http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Java/Java_Media_Framework
> [2]
> http://oooauthors.org/en/authors/userguide3/impress3/published/0509IG3-SlideShowsTransitionsAnimations.pdf

JMF is so old that it's install script doesn't work on Ubuntu Hardy
versions and above. You need to manually modify the script in gvim (or
similar) in order to get it to install properly:

 Edit the installer script and change:

tail +309 $0 > $outname


tail --lines=+309 $0 > $outname

That works.

So, for Keith/others: you'll need to modify before you can even install.
Once you do get it installed, these archived msgs will help you get the
rest of it working on Ubuntu (including mp3):

and for mp3:

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