2009/5/7 Lars Noodén <larsnoo...@openoffice.org>:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> ... Thoughts?
> Hmm. Well first thought is that statements like that are very similar to
> ones some people are paid to write in order to "saturate, diffuse, and
> confuse" OpenDocument Format (ODF) discussions.

You can google me, I am not MS fanboi. I don't hate them either.

You should take advantage of your enemies' position, and even an
assumed enemy advantage can be turned in your own favor. Using MS's
deployed installation base to start sending ODF documents can help ODF
become the defacto standard. However, be prepared to render them as
the big guy renders them, even if you've been rendering them for

> Second thought is that the non-MS applications do a reasonable job of
> working with ODF.  As usual, the MS product is the odd man out.
>        http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20090503215045379
>        http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20090427113709957
> Again, MS fails to support the standard.

MS supports the standard perfectly here. The problem is that the
standard is not well defined.

> Furthermore, if people wasted
> money on MSO 2007 then they won't ever be able to use ODF because the
> ODF plugin works only with earlier versions:
>        http://www.sun.com/software/star/odf_plugin/

Did you not read the OP? MSO 2007 SP2 supports ODF natively.

> Lastly, the third thought is that at this late stage of the game any one
> naive or dishonest enough to claim that MS is somehow working for
> interoperability is very much part of an expensive problem.  You'd think
> that over time people would learn:
>        http://www.ecis.eu/documents/ECISPressStatementonOperaSO1.pdf
>        http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20090412131523897

I do not think that MS is working for interoperability. I would never
think that! OOo renders ODF a specific standards-compliant way, and
MSO renders ODF a different standards-compliant way. Neither are
wrong. The question is should OOo continue to render as it always has,
or should it start working to be a drop-in replacement for the major
office suite?

Note that rendering in MSO-fashion need not break existing documents.
Legacy OOo-created ODF files can be identified and rendered as they
always have been, and newer versions could render as MSO renders.

The key here is to realize the MS is not _wrong_ but different.

Dotan Cohen


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