Conditional number formatting can be done in several ways, but this
question is about the ”right click → format cells” way, manually
entering the number format.

This is an example that didn't work like I expected:

For values <-5 it looks right, for example -6 is displayed as -6 in
blue. However values≥-5 and <0 display a POSITIVE value in green.
Where is the minus sign?

And if there isn't supposed to be one, why is it there in the blue case?

Adding a minus sign in the format code doesn't help much, since I
don't want a minus sign for positive values:

In this case, green values will always display with a minus sign,
which isn't good since all value≥0 and ≤30 are positive…

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
I also tried the following:

It turns out exactly the same as

I also tried this:

This gives an even worse result since the minus sign is ALWAYS missing.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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