NoOp wrote:
> On 07/27/2009 04:51 PM, Ian wrote:
> ...
>> I belong to a few lists, but I didn't think this was a list.  I follow
>> it on usenet via gmane.   I wasn't aware that it was accessible both
>> ways.  Since you state I am subscribed to the list, I  probably
>> subscribed some time ago and am on some type of "no mail" option.  I
>> only use open office when I have a semester that has classes where a lot
>> of paper writing is required. 
>> So tell me, what is the difference between sending an email to:
>> and posting a message to usenet
>> gmane.comp.openoffice.questions ?
>> Ian
> Ummm... this *is* a list, and provides nntp (usenet) access
> for *lists*:

Umm . . . thanks for the info.   Umm.  ;)

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