In a message dated 2009.10.02 15:54 -0500, Barbara Duprey wrote:

... If you apply the list style to the column (not just a cell, the
column itself) before you start creating the list, then the hierarchy
is implemented as you go along by going to the new row of the table,
and using the indent/outdent controls the same way that you would in
a regular list. The difference is just in where you are creating the
 list, which is row by row in the table. You could also enter each
list item in a new row of a default-type table, then apply the list
style to the column, then use the indent/outdent controls to get the
hierarchy as you want it. The hierarchy level is essentially
implemented the same way whether you're in a table or not.

Barbara, thanks for your patient explanation. After playing with it both ways - list first and table first - I see what you mean in the summary of your final sentence.

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