NoOp wrote:

Please try to install 'ffdshow tryouts'. This should enable mp4 support
in OOo as it provides a direct show filter which uses the same backend
as the VLC player does.
What is "ffdshow tryouts" and where do I get it from?

That's a bit rude, don't you think?
No, actually I think it is helpful to teach others the magic of
internet :-) Give a man a link or teach him how to google, thats
from the bible I think.

@Christian: it's a shame that a fine open source product/project like
OOo relies on a proprietary media player in Windows. It's surprising
that an option is not available to select and use an alternate open
source media player such as VLC etc.

I don't know if it is a shame, but OOo relies on many system stuff as
it would be unwise to invite the wheel over and over again. And it
does not rely on a proprietary media player on windows. As I said it
uses direct show which is part of the the published DirectX API.
Do you think it is a shame that most games on windows use DirectX and
don't program all the available graphics hardware directly?

Anyway, tell me what we can use on windows instead? The same that
vlc uses? Will you take the responsibility for all the patents this
solution would violate? While MPEG&co are published formats, they
are not free. So where is the shame? That vlc violates the law or
that OOo is still free and no one can be sued just because he downloaded


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