NoOp wrote:

No. It's not helpful when you are posting to a *users* list. Keep in
mind the purpose of this list is to help and assist *users*. Given your
recommendation to use ffdshow, and your background, the least you can do
is participate by offering your considerable knowledge on how to get it
working with OOo.
It was not my intention to be rude and I'm sorry if it was received this
way. In my opinion it is rude to ask other people something you could
easy google for yourself. But you are right I am to much involved in
developer lists that I forget that just a link to a download is not
enough on a user list. I will try to keep that in mind next time.

But for the insights, there are many tutorials online how to get mp4
working with Microsoft Windows.

BTW: I do not use Windows much (except for assisting customers), but I
do have a pretty good handle most Windows tech issues, at least from
Win2K to WinXP, and I could not figure out how to properly get ffdshow
to work. I *did* manage to get it to work with the K-Lite Mega Codec
Pack, as did another user (Leslie.D'Gama). But in another thread you post:

<quote from "MP4 Files & OOo">
just my 2 cents to add some value to this discussion. I would advise to
avoid the "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack" unless you know exactly what you
are doing. The chance to mess up your system on the long run is high.
</quote from "MP4 Files & OOo">

Shall we JFGI for the reasoning there as well?
The short version is that "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack" is a bunch of different codecs from different sources. More is not always better
when it comes to codecs as there may be more than one codec installed
on your system for a specific format.
If you are lucky the right combination is used.
Ffdshow tryouts on the other hand uses only libav from mplayer, which
is the backend from vlc player. But before this also starts in a
religious war, you quoted me correctly that this is only an advise.
If K-Lite works for you, than that is also fine.

VLC violates the law how? You, of course have something to back that up
I presume.
VLC uses libav from the mplayer project. it supports a ton of video and
audio codecs. This include support for formats from companies like
RealMedia, Intel, DivX and others which surely have patents at large on
their formats. It also includes playback of encrypted DVDs. None of
these companies will ever sue the mplayer project or a single VLC
downloader for patent violation. But to sue Sun, Novel
or IBM for providing an OOo build including libav? Or have M$ sales
people run around telling large companies that they are legally on risk
when using OOo? If you as a user install something like this on your
own, thats one thing. Provide a download or use it as a large company,
that is another thing.

VLC does not include illegal codecs; they do in fact allow the inclusion
of added codecs (legal or otherwise) in the same maner that gstreamer
(your specialty I believe) does. VLC is a published open source with a
GPL license (unlike .NET). But you knew that didn't you?
Yes I knew and it makes no difference. If I made a 1:1 clone of Mac OSX
writing every single line of code myself and release it as open source,
Apple will still sue my ass of.

  I wasn't promoting VLC, I was making comment as to why OOo relies on a
*proprietary* application in Windows for sound and video. If you don't
think that DirectShow/DirectX et al is not proprietary, then I'd welcome
cited references stating otherwise.
My focus here is on the user. If a user already choose to use a
proprietary operating system, than I'm giving him the best value he can
get on that system. And on windows it is DirectX/DirectShow. If the
user does not like proprietary, he has other options.

BTW: Do you suppose that IBM is violating MPEG patents by publishing an
MPEG-4 java toolkit?
No I strongly believe that the made sure that all patents involved in
this download are properly licensed or (much more likely) owned by
IBM itself.

I suppose that OOo should remove the ability to insert a hyperlink into
any presenation and/or document, as that allows one to launch a
"possibly illegal" application (like VLC...).
Please understand the difference between something that is provided in
an OOo installation download and something the user later does with the
software (including adding other components)

So, let's get back to ffDShow; how about climbing off of your JFGI horse
and providing a little expertise & assistance on how to install and get
this working with OOo?
I'm not riding any horse, nor do I follow any religious/technical leaders. I have made patches for Steve Jobs followers, I added implementations for Gates followers, I did some linux only stuff too for OOo. Heck, prior to OOo I even added OS/2 stuff to impress. All I wanted
was to help and to give some technical background, as this is what I can
do best. Giving en detail descriptions for basic users how to do stuff, I beleave that there are others on this list who can do much better.

I suggest we continue a discussion about the technical issues on one
of the developer lists, if such need for further discussion exists.


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