NoOp wrote:
On 01/07/2010 04:36 PM, Barbara Duprey wrote:
Dotan Cohen wrote:
I suspect my system may be slowly dying, strange things
are happening frequently
"Strange things" is usually one of three things;
1) overheating CPU
2) bad memory
3) faulty power supply

I would start checking them in that order.
It's an Acer laptop, used in a far from sterile environment (sitting on my lap, with three cats contributing their hair) for a couple of years. I wouldn't be surprised if it had any or all of those problems, but it would probably cost about as much to get it fixed as to replace it. It also has a tricky hinge, when I've closed it there tend to be display problems until I find just the right spot. I think I'll take this opportunity to get a new laptop! :-)

Vacuum it out - don't blow air into it as that will just redistribute
the dust and hairballs. Occasionally I make some pretty good spending
money from laptop users that would use compressed air etc., to "clean"
their laptops; the only think that does is pack the dust in deeper.

Oops -- got me! I tried to blow basically across the keyboard, rather then into it, but.... I had already been having trouble, and I thought that might help!
Also find an online maintenance manual, take off the keyboard etc., and
vacuum the system board. If you're technically inclined, remove the cpu
fan/cooler, clean those, and put a new dab of thermal heat sink compound
on the cpu & reassemble. My guess is that will take care of the bulk of
your problems so that you can safely return to posting about OOo :-)

I may take a *really* deep breath and try that, although I'm a software type, not a hardware one! Will a regular size hand-held vacuum cleaner work, or do I need one especially designed for this type of thing? Thanks a million for your help here, it may at least keep me from killing my next laptop!

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