Keith R Bainbridge <> typed:
Good afternoon all, particularly the moderators

I have been criticised a few times for top posting on this list. I
haven't participated much since the last critic.


Your personal issues aside, IMO it's silly to restart this useless thread which will never come to a conclusion or acceptance by both camps. If you're so sensitive about a little criticism, I respectfully suggest that you learn how to toughen your hide and how to ignore things you don't like reading. If you're unwilling to follow conventions and RFCs and even at least one FYI on the subject, then perhaps you're not right for posting on usenet groups. Forums might better suit you. It's pretty unreasonable to expect the masses to change to YOUR opinion when you've clearly show that you will not change to THEIR opinions.

In addition, you haven't even used the convention for indicating an off-topic post, which this definitely is. Check the name of the group against what you wrote: Your post has nothing to do with openoffice questions but is social in nature. All in all it tells me that you have little knowledge of the differences between things like e-mail, groups, forums and many of the conventions and best practices, such as staying on topic and if you can't find a group where you WILL be on topic. If there is no group where your post fits, then consider why that might be so. Common sense will explain most of it to you. Have any opinons you want; that's your right, just as it is mine and everyone else's here. But don't start silly threads with known posts that will result in known off topic arguements, debates and even trolling. It is unlikely in the extreme that anyone is going to offer anything that has not already been posted a gazillion times in various places on the 'net. It is detrimental to the group in general and rude to the point of making you appear as either ignorant or trollish in nature. I'll often feed trolls one time but that's all, so you won't likely have to put up with further posts from me.



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