By Feb 13, 2010, at 21:23 , Everybody and his brother had said an awful lot of 

This has turned into a religious war.  Without wishing to point at anyone, 
maybe it's time to call it a truce and say that, even if one didn't manage to 
say it oneself, the last word has been said on the issue.

The rules are clear.

1. Flaming is discouraged.
2. Inline or bottom posting is implied.

We're going to get a lot of people using this list, probably as many as don't 
specify their operating system since they can't imagine that anyone doesn't use 
Windows, for whom inline or bottom posting is not the norm, and who will top 
post.  Perhaps we can gently point out to them, not least by doing it 
ourselves, that inline or bottom posting is preferred on this list.

Can we call it a day at that, and all go back to our private temples and altars 
and worship the god of our choice?

Just my 2c via Macintosh Mail which doesn't appear to let me specify lines of 
76 characters.  Sorry.


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