On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 20:26:15 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

> However, you can always download clip arts.
> http://www.wikihow.com/Add-Clipart-to-OpenOffice.org

When I tried the above in OpenOffice 3.1.1, Writer locked up at the
'Add all' stage (Step 11 of the web site instructions).

Having done the 375MB download I extracted the files and gave the New
Theme 'Files' function the address of the generated directory
(~/Download/openclipart-0.19), and clicked Select.
    It then generated a long list of the clipart objects, and I
then clicked the 'Add All' button.
  At this point a small window headed 'Apply' opened, but it was
incomplete, and would not respond to mouse clicks. It also locked up

What is the 'Apply' window for?  I did try letting it run for 20
minutes, thinking that perhaps it simply needed a long time to
complete, but when I returned, Writer's screen was an  empty shell,
from which I had to skull-and-crossbones out.

What is Add All supposed to be doing at that point?
(There was no change in the conents of ~/.ooo3/gallery.)

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