On 3/14/2010 10:19 AM, James Knott wrote:
> I have worked with computers for over 34 years. I have worked at IBM 
> providing 3rd level support for OS/2 and Windows. I have used Linux
> for many years. In short, I have a lot of hands on experience with
> Linux, Windows, OS/2 and other. I am speaking from years of actual,
> real world experience when I state that many of the problems users
> experience are due to shoddy software from Microsoft.

So what does any of that have to do with the issue under discussion?

> Perhaps you can explain to me why my own personal notebook computer
> (an IBM ThinkPad which is the only computer I own that has Windows on
> it) runs Linux reliably but regularly locks up with XP.

Bad windows drivers - video being the first one I'd look at?

> Perhaps you can explain why another computer at work, running Windows
> crashes or locks up.

Crapware? Old/buggy/outdated drivers? Soft FS corruption that hasn't
ever been fixed? Bad power supply or RAM? Lots of potential reasons.
I'll be happy to fix it for you - my rates are $100/hr.

> Again, I have never, not once ever seen Linux crash.

Then you are either extremely lucky, or don't really use linux that much
or do that much with it - or I guess you could be a liar...

I'm not saying it isn't good. I use linux on all of my servers (although
I've been toying with the idea of replacing them with FreeeBSD someday)
- I'm just saying it is built by people, and therefore imperfect, and
does occasionally suffer problems of bad/buggy drivers, kernels, s/w,
and yes, even the occasional bad hardware.

> I also know there's never been a viable virus for Linux, nor is
> there likely to be one, due to the differences between Linux &
> Windows.

That all depends. Most linux systems by default don't encourage the user
to run as root like Windows.

But, I guess this all depends on how you define 'virus'. There have been
a number of linux exploits that have resulted in lots of compromised web

> I suggest you learn from the real world.

I do - that's where I live, unlike this fantasy land you seem to live in.

> You might also want to read up on the Netscape vs Microsoft trial
> about how MS claimed they couldn't remove Internet Explorer, because
> it was part of the operating system, even though at the time it
> wasn't. However, with the next version of Windows, it was embedded in
> the operating system, in violation of good software engineering
> principles, which then caused browser problems to become operating
> system problems. Microsoft has not gained it's position because of
> product quality. They got there by using illegal or border line
> illegal methods, up to and including extortion to force market share.
> There is a *LOT* of documented history of this. You might also want
> to look at how they rammed OOXML through ISO as an example.

All of which is totally irrelevant to the issue under discussion...

Fanboism is a disease...

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