On 2010-03-14 10:07 PM, James Knott wrote:
> Tanstaafl wrote:
>> However, simply pointing out facts - that Windows has the vast
>> majority of the installed user base, or that it doesn't crash all
>> of the time

> To which I pointed out the often illegal means MS uses to force
> market share.


> They sure didn't get there by producing quality products.

Windows, since version 2000, has been very stable for me, with
occasional issues caused by - yep, buggy drivers.

Linux has been very reliable as well. I like them both. I do find that
Windows seems to like to be rebooted at least once every month or two,
whereas linux is like the energizer bunny - I've only had one time in
the 6+ years I've been using it on my servers when it went
non-responsive, even to SSH logins. I didn't have to do a hard reboot on
it, it did eventually respond to the power button press which told it to
shutdown, and it eventually did. I think it was runaway courier-imap
process, but wasn't sure, and don't know enough about debugging
something like that to figure it out...

> BTW, how then did Windows get it's reputation for crashing?

As I have said, because there are vastly more people using it, and since
most are very inexperienced, they get infected with different malware
that causes instability, and/or download $random__buggy_program from the
internet and install it. And yes, I am fully in agreement that it is
much easier for Windows to get infected than Linux, mostly because,
until Vista/7, the default was to run with a full admin account. When
running witha Limited Account, Windows is probably about as safe as
Linux, but - again, until Vista/7 - it just wasn't practical to do so,
since there were so many things you couldn't do and 'Run as Admin'
wasn't very reliable.

Outdated/buggy drivers are another major factor.

> I've certainly seen that happen often enough. Or is the BSOD just a
> myth that I've personally experienced?

Nope, not a myth, just irrelevant to the comment you were replying to.



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